We asked out Rtambhara community about the strategy they use to remove obstacles. This is what they had to say.
Prayer & God, please change me to learn the lessons and not the circumstances and experiences - Mr. Janakiram
May the obstacles prove to be something that impels us to overcome and fill us with thankfulness that we have hereby learnt important lessons. - Ms. Malathi
The simplest way of overcoming an obstacle that could threaten your growth and progress is by using an approach that is out of the box. Same idealogies don't produce impactful results all the time! - Ms. Sujal
Many things come to mind:
Always be grateful and show Gratitude, Mental awareness particularly through regular meditation- putting things into perspective, think ahead. in decision making, ensure this is undertaken rationally rather than emotionally. Political decision making must always consider the good of many and sustainability. Care for humanity including those less fortunate, care for the environment, opportunity cost. Spritual and health wellbeing. - Ms. Loy
First don’t panic . Calm yourself . Inhale and exhale for a few minutes . Ask your Ishta Devatha for strength and support of dealing in the best way possible what is facing you . Then calmly review slowly and rationally the best course available to you . - Ms. Malathi
Attitude of let - go
Throughout the day we have to consciously develop and aware of the thought
Let -go on physical level, mental level, emotional level and spiritual level - Ms. Sumana Yadalam
Never, never, get upset, but, remain cool, and think, that you have got to face it!
So face it to your best possible way! For any aspect, you can think of some well wisher, who could give you some suggestions and finally you deceide and act. - Ms. Aruna Shivashran
Daily yoga, meditation and prayers will give the energy, calm mind and courage to deal with both internal and external impediments.
First thing is accept responsibility for the situation and where possible seek advice from family/ friends/ well wishers/ professionals.
Never never keep brooding over the problems even there is no immediate solution.
This may lead mental issues like dipression or anxiety. Many in this pendamic situation are suffering with this problem.
Take required actions keeping the Dharma in the back of mind. This is the only way in my opinion to get any help from unknown source.
Finaly solve or leave but never keep the problem. - Mr. Ramachandran
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